If you can’t think of it – you can’t defend against it. Let us do your due diligence, because we’ll think of it.
Our Due Diligence services are for all attorneys because:
- Not all answers are free
- Not all answers are online
- Not all entities keep all records online
- Comprehensive criminal records searches require courthouse visits
- Because there’s no magic button, no single source, and you can’t “just google it”

Business Law (M&A)
Identify risks that are not reflected in the ledger: geographic threats, discrepancies in assertions, time lines that do not add up, inaccurate claims of skills/experience, behaviors unbecoming of leadership, etc.
Learn if their relationships, clients, or past activities pose a potential threat, or if they associate with criminals or individuals on sanctions lists.
Uncover whether or not someone is who/what they say they are. Learn the difference between verification and validation.
Criminal Defense
Grow your firm and your pocketbook – you can spend time looking for answers or new clients, let us find the answers while you find the clients.
Get the answers without the overhead – Lawyer Monthly reports Criminal Defense attorneys work almost 80 hours per week because they lack staff. Let us help. We don’t need your office space or benefits.*
Get mentally healthy – feeling burned out? depressed? PTSD? Let us help reduce your stress, take the research off your plate, and free up your paralegal to support you better by allowing him/her to focus on the other things that concern you.

Family Law
Alter Ego. Do you suspect the other party has another email address, other online profiles, or maybe another family?
Hidden Assets. Did they deny it exists, transfer it to someone else, or claim that it was lost? We can help with that, especially when there are no IRS records.
Tax Return Reviews. If you need a financial specialist who will analyze the Schedule A, B, C, D & E records of tax filings, we can help with that.

Personal Injury
Tech Challenge
Find a Video or Pictures.
Can you find a video or pictures if you don’t know the link, who uploaded it, or who was at the scene of the accident? Is it on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube or some other platform? Where do you start? We can help.
Hire an investigator.
Hiring investigators to obtain witness statements and supporting evidence is a common challenge, especially out of state or even in another country! We have a nation-wide network of licensed & vetted investigators, and international resources.
Missing Black Sheep of the Family?
Judge requiring you to go the extra mile to find someone who doesn’t want anything to do with the family? Let us leverage our vast digital resources to find them and generate a comprehensive, detailed report itemizing all of the efforts put forth to satisfy the court so you can move forward, unless you just want to spend countless days or weeks googling and surfing.
No Name? No Number? No Email? No Problem.
Could you find a female veterinarian with a pilot license that specializes in cats…without knowing her name? –We did.
Could you find a man who likes to hunt and fish in Georgia and Alabama, sells real estate in six states, and you think he lives in one of the six but don’t know which one…without knowing his name? – We did.